Thursday, December 30, 2004

SkOoL sTaRtIn SoOn

erm..noe that skool starting soon...then the worst is next year PLSE..ohhh dear gonna study hard man....dun noe wad to ritez lehz...bball training is already over then very sianz cannort c my fren..and oh yes!!im goin sentosa tomolo to c the countdown...wah kool man...never imagine that to write til here le gtg buh byez

Sunday, November 14, 2004

WaH kAoZ....

mmmm..todae very sianz lehz...nth to do...but next week goin swimming wif my frens..hehe...c how they swim..nort onli go wif my frens go wif my cousin...then go there swim swim lorz...aiya nth to do there alwaes look forward to tt dae...reali like lorz...sumore long time never swim le hahaz...olso long time never wear my swim swim cloths hahaz lame...juz rite until here le larz...

Monday, October 11, 2004

StResS...sTrEsS... goin to get mad aniway coz due to the stress for the plaeing com...but i still plae...hahaz hack care arhz...sneaky sneaky...PLSE oreadi muz wait for my exams..scared scared wish it would be easy for me...i mean for all subject....after exams...i can plae plae plae...gud gud kekex....aiya dun now y so scared...sumone help mi...-_-"

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


haiz....todae arhz...great things happens to my frens and me...let me tell ya...our class was celebrating children's dae...after that mr muz was busy and he left we plae and plae and found that titaya's video camera was sum of my frens go look for it...but too bad didn't find it...oh ya before i forget naomi was crying coz she verli sad maybe her frens make till she cry...aiya dun care dun tok le larx...tok tok tok,tok sumore i will burst into tears liaoz...hahaz

Friday, October 01, 2004

::.HaPpY dAe.::

erm...that dae the celebration was indeed a cool wan..especially the ANDERSON IDOL rox man...actually the linkin park boi was gud but he was verli fast...faster than the manx..i tink almost everybody vote for him arhz...coz he quite gud...that celebration was very gud...but so sad that mr muz didn't turned up on that celebratiion too...haiz dun wish to tok about that animore...buaiz...(".)